Biological Terrain Analysis


Can you answer “YES” to any of these questions?

1) Do you need help and guidance in designing a specific nutrition program that meets your specific needs?

2) Are you wondering if chronic stress, poor diet and exposure to toxins and chemicals in the environment may be having an effect upon your body?

3) Do you suffer from a lack of vitality?

Perhaps its time to try a new approach ~

Perhaps its time to explore the amazing world of Biological Terrain.

Quantitative Body Fluid Analysis or Biological Terrain Assessment involves the study of the cells in the human body and the interstitial fluid environment that nourishes those cells. Clinicians closely monitor the Biological or cellular environment through assessing urine and saliva. Specific values within these biological fluids offer valuable information that may help identify the underlying factors that may be contributing to cellular stress.

What is the role of the Biological Terrain in the human body?
1) This interstitial fluid environment is responsible for delivering nutrients to every cell in the human body. The electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones and fluid within the Biological Terrain enable the body’s 100 trillion cells to perform all their vital functions of maintaining life and health.
2) In addition, the Biological Terrain is also responsible for carrying energy-rich substances throughout the body for the production of energy or ATP, a form of energy that is needed to carry out most actions and reactions in the body.
3) A third important function of the Biological Terrain involves the movement of minerals from the cells for filtering and disposal by the body. These minerals enter the body’s biological fluids of urine, lymphatic fluid and saliva. These fluids serve as indicators of what has been released from within the cells. If the critical balance of pH, nutrient or mineral levels or hydration within the Biological Terrain becomes disturbed or damaged, cellular stress may result. Over time, this may contribute to the development of poor health and increased susceptibility to the effects of opportunistic organisms such as bacteria and viruses. Monitoring the Biological Terrain provides an inside look at the vital biochemical functions that contribute to maintaining strength and vitality in the body.

What factors can create imbalances in the Biological Terrain? Prolonged exposure to such factors as excessive stress, poor diet, too little sleep, certain drugs, alcohol, smoking, poisons, chemicals and toxins in the air, food, water and environment can create biochemical stress. These factors can create deficiencies and excesses that can severely affect the integrity of the Biological Terrain. A compromised terrain environment, in turn, is less equipped to support the health of the trillions of cells that rely upon it for nourishment and support.

A certain amount of stress is necessary for life. Chronic stress and prolonged exposure to such factors as poor diet and environmental toxins creates disturbances in the critical balance of the Biological Terrain. These imbalances can affect the overall health and vitality of the cellular environment.
-Dr. Robert C. Greenberg, PhD, DC